I have this table:
CREATE TABLE football_teams ( player_id text, name text, team text
INSERT INTO football_teams
('010', 'Messi', 'Barcelona'),
('007', 'Sancho', 'Dortmund'),
('011', 'Werner', 'Chelsea'),
('001', 'De Gea', 'Manchester United'),
('009', 'Lewandowski', 'Bayern Munich'),
('006', 'Pogba', 'Manchester United'),
('017', 'De Bruyne', 'Manchester City'),
('029', 'Harvertz', 'Bayer Leverkusen'),
('011', 'Werner', 'Liverpool'),
('007', 'Sancho', 'Manchester United'),
('005', 'Upamecano', 'Leipzig'),
('010', 'Messi', 'Manchester City'),
('014', 'Aubameyang', 'Arsenal');
I want to a situation where each footballer appears only once in a new table. For instance, Messi appears twice, but I want to take any occurrence of Messi in the new table. I am not sure how to convert it to either Hive or mysql. This is what I want the desired results to look like:
player_id name team
010 Messi Barcelona
007 Sancho Dortmund
011 Werner Chelsea
001 De Gea Manchester United
009 Lewandowski Bayern Munich
006 Pogba Manchester United
017 De Bruyne Manchester City
029 Harvertz Bayer Leverkusen
005 Upamecano Leipzig
014 Aubameyang Arsenal
One option could be using row_number()
select * from
select *, row_number() over(partition by name order by cast(player_id as int)) as rn
from tablename
)A where rn=1