I was looking how I can parameterize table names and so I found dynamic sql queries. I finally got the proc saved, but when I execute it errors out with “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘ AND ID =’ to data type int.” I have no idea what is going wrong when I try to execute this stored proc. I feel like it must be a typo but I cannot tell. The stored pro.
EDITED to incorporate the suggestion below. Still no luck unless I am doing this wrong.
-- ======================================================= -- Create Stored Procedure Template for Azure SQL Database -- ======================================================= SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author, , Name> -- Create Date: <Create Date, , > -- Description: <Description, , > -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetFormFieldCDC] ( @formfieldId INT, @C___operation INT, @C___start_lsn binary(10), @tablename NVarchar(255) ) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ActualTableName AS NVarchar(255) SELECT @ActualTableName = QUOTENAME( TABLE_NAME ) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = @tablename DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @ActualTableName + ' WHERE __$start_lsn =' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(255),@C___start_lsn) + ' AND __$operation =' + @C___operation + ' AND ID =' + @formfieldId + ';' -- Insert statements for procedure here EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N' @formfieldId INT, @C___operation INT, @C___start_lsn binary(10), @tablename NVarchar(255)', @formfieldId , @C___operation, @C___start_lsn, @tablename END GO
You should pass the parameters all the way through to sp_executesql
. Do not inject them, unless they are object names, in which case you need QUOTENAME
You can also use
to check for table existence, and throw an exception if there is no such object.
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetFormFieldCDC] ( @formfieldId INT, @C___operation INT, @C___start_lsn binary(10), @schemaname sysname, @tablename sysname ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; IF (OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(@schemaname) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename)) IS NULL) THROW 50000, 'Table not found', 0; DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(MAX) = ' SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaname) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) + ' WHERE __$start_lsn = @C___start_lsn AND __$operation = @C___operation AND ID = @formfieldId; '; EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N' @formfieldId INT, @C___operation INT, @C___start_lsn binary(10)', @formfieldId = @formfieldId, @C___operation = @C___operation, @C___start_lsn = @C___start_lsn; GO