I have a temp table structure @temp2
like this
route total driverID ------------------------ 10B 300 7B 400
and would like to add the driverID
column with a result like 5555, 68989
to do this, I use the cursor to loop another table look like this
driverID routeNo ------------------- 5555 10B 68989 10B 72000 7B
Here is the code
declare @driverID varchar(max) declare @routeNew varchar(20) DECLARE brand_cursor CURSOR FOR select distinct driver_id, route_number from [dbcwl].[dbo].[collection_deduction_summary] where YEAR(trans_date) = @year and MONTH(trans_date) = @month and route_number in (select actual_route from [dbcwl].[dbo].[livedispatchingdata_pmhs_daily_summary] where status = 'OK' and YEAR(trans_date) = @year AND month(trans_date) = @month ) and vehicle_id in (select vehicle_id from [dbcwl].[dbo].[livedispatchingdata_pmhs_daily_summary] where status = 'OK' and YEAR(trans_date) = @year AND month(trans_date) = @month ) group by route_number, driver_id OPEN brand_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM brand_cursor INTO @driverID, @routeNew WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --update @temp2 update @temp2 set driverID += ','+ @driverID where routeNo = @routeNew; FETCH NEXT FROM brand_cursor INTO @driverID, @routeNew END CLOSE brand_cursor; DEALLOCATE brand_cursor;
sadly, I got the driverID
column is null
and would like to have finalized temp table look like this:
route total driverID ------------------------ 10B 300 5555,68989 7B 400 72000
;with cte as -- Step 1: Get all Driver Ids by routeNo ( SELECT routeNo, driverID = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + CAST(driverID AS NVARCHAR(100)) FROM #A b WHERE b.routeNo = a.routeNo FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') FROM #A a GROUP BY routeNo ) update b -- Step 2: Update driverID accordingly. set driverID = cte.driverID from #B b inner join cte on b.route = cte.routeNo