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Can a CLOB column containing objects be sorted?

I have a column type CLOB that stores an array of objects containing the following structure:

{“id”: number, “name”: string}

Then suppose we have the following column of CLOB records:

  1. [{“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}, {“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}]
  2. [{“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}]
  3. [{“id”: 4, “nombre”: “intelectual”}, {“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}]

and so several records that its array in the CLOB column contains at least one object with id and name; then suppose that I have the previous records, is it possible to sort that column by the name property of each first object of each record? example of expected result

  1. [{“id”: 16, “name”: “auditiva”}]
  2. [{“id”: 21, “name”: “fisica”}, {“id”: 16, “name”: “auditiva”}]
  3. [{“id”: 4, “name”: “intelectual”}, {“id”: 21, “name”: “fisica”}]



Use the JSON_VALUE function in the ORDER BY clause:

FROM   table_name 
ORDER BY JSON_VALUE(value, '$[0].nombre');

Which, for the sample data:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
  value CLOB CHECK (value IS JSON)
INSERT INTO table_name (value)
  SELECT '[{"id": 21, "nombre": "fisica"}, {"id": 16, "nombre": "auditiva"}]' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT '[{"id": 16, "nombre": "auditiva"}]' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT '[{"id": 4, "nombre": "intelectual"}, {"id": 21, "nombre": "fisica"}]' FROM DUAL;


[{“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}]
[{“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}, {“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}]
[{“id”: 4, “nombre”: “intelectual”}, {“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}]


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