I have 2 uneven tables which I am trying to build into 1 table, each table has a date and ID to join with, the issue is that sometime 1 table can have rows with no matching date in 2nd table
Initially table 2 seemed to always have an entry for table 1 so I was doing a left join which was working, but then I found the issue where the right table had an entry for some dates but table 1 had no matching dates (i.e. 19 and 20) I was joining on DATE and ID
Do I need to build some sort of table with all the dates in?
One option would be use full outer join as follows and use case statements for filling up values when records are not present in table1 or table2 as below.
select case when a.date is not null then
else b.date
end as date
,case when a.id is not null then
else b.id
end as id
,case when a.name is not null then
else b.[full name]
end as name
,a.[Time Logged In]
from table1 a
full outer join table2 b
on a.date=b.date
and a.id=b.id