I am trying to update records in a bigQuery database that looks like this:
Using the code below:
UPDATE `tottus-chile.espacio.nested_table` SET addresses = ARRAY( SELECT AS STRUCT * REPLACE('sleep' AS address) FROM UNNEST(addresses) ) WHERE first_name="pauli shore" AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(addresses) AS h WHERE h.status="previous" )
However, as show in the picture, it makes ALL of the addresses read “sleep” instead of just the “previous one.
I must admit, I’m pretty confused as to how best to deal with alterations within nested tables. Is there a general way to achieve just updating the “previous” piece of the nested array?
Is this what you want to do?
UPDATE `tottus-chile.espacio.nested_table` SET addresses = ARRAY(SELECT AS STRUCT a.* EXCEPT (address), (CASE WHEN a.status = 'previous' THEN 'sleep' ELSE a.address END) as address FROM UNNEST(addresses) a ) WHERE first_name = 'pauli shore' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(addresses) AS h WHERE h.status = 'previous' );
This does rearrange the columns in the struct — which can be fixed with more coding. I think this might be what you want to do.
To avoid shifting, you can explicitly list the columns:
UPDATE `tottus-chile.espacio.nested_table` SET addresses = ARRAY(SELECT AS STRUCT a.status, (CASE WHEN a.status = 'previous' THEN 'sleep' ELSE a.address END) as address, a.* EXCEPT (status, address) FROM UNNEST(addresses) a ) WHERE first_name = 'pauli shore' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(addresses) AS h WHERE h.status = 'previous' );
This just reconstructs the struct but conditionally reassigning the value for address