SELECT count(diabetesstatus is null) as atleast3, patientcountry
FROM database
where PJMEntryTime between '2020-08-24' and '2020-08-25'
and diabetesstatus is null and >= 3
group by patiencountry
I want to to use count to include a criteria where patient doesn’t have diabetetes, and then using the query to
show country that has at least 3 patients that doesn’t have diabetes
How shoudl I be doing this? How can I include a constraint when using count?
yeah I think this should work, basically my logic is not every patient is diabetic. I want to put my query that is grouped by country, so I can show every country that have at least 3 patients that aren’t diabetic.
I think you want a having
SELECT patientcountry, count(*)
FROM database
WHERE PJMEntryTime between '2020-08-24' and '2020-08-25' AND
diabetesstatus is null
GROUP BY patiencountry