Let’s have some tea …
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION allRelevantTeas() RETURNS TABLE(tea_id INTEGER) AS $function$ DECLARE result REFCURSOR; stmt TEXT; countries_with_tea TEXT[] := array['england', 'turkey', 'india', 'japan', 'china']; BEGIN stmt := ''; FOR tea_drinker in countries_with_tea LOOP stmt := stmt || format($$(SELECT tea_id FROM %I)$$, tea_drinker); IF tea_drinker <> 'china' THEN stmt := stmt || $$ UNION $$; END IF; END LOOP; OPEN result FOR EXECUTE stmt; RETURN result; END $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; SELECT * FROM allRelevantTeas();
Let’s test this …
syntax error at or near “countries_with_tea”
I don’t see it. It’s probably quite obvious, but I just don’t see it.
Does anybody spot what’s wrong with this? Or if not, is there any way I can get a more meaningful error from postgres than “there was a syntax error (but I don’t tell you what it was)”?
Your loop over the is wrong, you need to use FOREACH
to loop through the elements of an array:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION allRelevantTeas() RETURNS TABLE(tea_id INTEGER) AS $function$ DECLARE stmt TEXT; tea_drinker text; countries_with_tea TEXT[] := array['england', 'turkey', 'india', 'japan', 'china']; BEGIN stmt := ''; FOREACH tea_drinker in array countries_with_tea LOOP stmt := stmt || format($$(SELECT tea_id FROM %I)$$, tea_drinker); IF tea_drinker <> 'china' THEN stmt := stmt || $$ UNION $$; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN query execute stmt; END $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
You don’t really need a UNION, you can use return query
to return multiple results:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION allrelevantteas() RETURNS TABLE(tea_id INTEGER) AS $function$ DECLARE stmt TEXT; tea_drinker text; countries_with_tea TEXT[] := array['england', 'turkey', 'india', 'japan', 'china']; BEGIN stmt := ''; FOREACH tea_drinker in array countries_with_tea LOOP stmt := format($$(SELECT tea_id FROM %I)$$, tea_drinker); return query execute stmt; END LOOP; END $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
If you need that a log, it might be better to use table inheritance or a view to create a single table that contains all others.