I would like to list the missing date between two dates in a request for example
My data :
202001 | 500
202001 | 600
201912 | 100
201910 | 200
201910 | 100
201909 | 400
201601 | 5000
I want the request to return
201912 | 100
201911 | 0
201910 | 300
201909 | 400
201908 | 0
201907 | 0
201906 | 0
| 0 .
201712 | 0
i want the last 24 months from the date of execution
I did something similar with the dates but not YEAR MONTH yyyyMM
select date_sub(s.date_order ,nvl(d.i,0)) as date_order, case when d.i > 0 then 0 else s.amount end as amount
(--find previous date
select date_order, amount,
lag(date_order) over(order by date_order) prev_date,
datediff(date_order,lag(date_order) over(order by date_order)) datdiff
( --aggregate
select date_order, sum(amount) amount from your_data group by date_order )s
--generate rows
lateral view outer posexplode(split(space(s.datdiff-1),' ')) d as i,x
order by date_order;
I use Cassandra database with Apache Hive connector
Can someone help me ?
subquery generates 24 months (adjust if you want some other than 24 months range) back from current date. Left join it with your dataset, see comments in this demo code:
with date_range as
(--this query generates months range, check it's output
select date_format(add_months(concat(date_format(current_date,'yyyy-MM'),'-01'),-s.i),'yyyyMM') as year_month
from ( select posexplode(split(space(24),' ')) as (i,x) ) s --24 months
your_data as (--use your table instead of this example
select stack(7,
202001, 500,
202001, 600,
201912, 100,
201910, 200,
201910, 100,
201909, 400,
201601,5000 -----this date is beyond 24 months, hence it is not in the output
select d.year_month, sum(nvl(s.amount,0)) as amount --aggregate
from date_range d
left join your_data s on d.year_month=s.year_month
group by d.year_month;
d.year_month amount
201801 0
201802 0
201803 0
201804 0
201805 0
201806 0
201807 0
201808 0
201809 0
201810 0
201811 0
201812 0
201901 0
201902 0
201903 0
201904 0
201905 0
201906 0
201907 0
201908 0
201909 400
201910 300
201911 0
201912 100
202001 1100
Use your table instead your_data subquery. Add order by
if necessary.