I’m looking to write a query that gives the YTD sales for each job within our system. We use Bistrack. Here is what I have:
select C.Shortname AS "Customer", J.JobReference, (OH.TotalSellPrice - OH.NonSalesAmount) AS "TotalSellPrice", CIL.Amount AS "Contract Invoice", CA.Address1, CA.City, CA.TaxAreaID, T.Name AS "Tax Area", CA.PostCode AS "ZIP Code", OH.DateTimeCreated, TotalSalesYTD, J.JobID, CA.CustomerAddressID, C.CustomerID, SaleType from dbo.CustomerAddress AS CA WITH(NOLOCK) left join TaxArea AS T WITH(NOLOCK) ON CA.TaxAreaID = T.TaxAreaID left join Customer as C WITH(NOLOCK) ON CA.CustomerID = C.CustomerID left join Job as J WITH(NOLOCK) ON CA.CustomerAddressID = J.CustomerAddressID left join CustomerFinancial as CF WITH(NOLOCK) ON CA.CustomerID = CF.CustomerID left join OrderHeader AS OH WITH(NOLOCK) ON CA.CustomerAddressID = OH.DeliveryAddressID left join ContractInvoicingLine AS CIL WITH(NOLOCK) ON OH.ContractInvoicingLineID = CIL.ContractInvoicingLineID WHERE TotalSalesYTD <> 0 AND OH.DateTimeCreated > '2019-12-31' AND OH.OrderStatus = 8 AND OH.SaleType = 3 ORDER BY C.ShortName, JobReference
This displays a result where each job reference is shown multiple times for each order under that job. I’d like to combine the orders into a SUM for each job. So, for example, I want the blue column to be a single number that is just 3362.68 + 101.03 + 1642.86 + 1298.75.
My idea would be to do SUM(OH.TotalSellPrice – OH.NonSalesAmount) AS “TotalSellPrice”, but that doesn’t work, seemingly because my other columns are not in the function. I think this might be something simple to fix but I just started in SQL. I have gathered that partitioning could be used from browsing this site, but I have no idea how to apply it to my current query. Any help appreciated, thanks!
From the error message you noted in the comments above, I’m going to assume you’re using SQL Server as a database appliance.
In SQL Server, and most other databases, when you use SUM
or any other aggregate functions you are required to add a GROUP BY
clause that includes all non-aggregated columns from the SELECT
clause of the query.
SELECT C.Shortname AS "Customer" ,J.JobReference ,SUM(OH.TotalSellPrice - OH.NonSalesAmount) AS "TotalSellPrice" ,CIL.Amount AS "Contract Invoice" ,CA.Address1 ,CA.City ,CA.TaxAreaID ,T.Name AS "Tax Area" ,CA.PostCode AS "ZIP Code" ,OH.DateTimeCreated ,TotalSalesYTD ,J.JobID ,CA.CustomerAddressID ,C.CustomerID ,SaleType FROM dbo.CustomerAddress AS CA LEFT JOIN TaxArea AS T ON CA.TaxAreaID = T.TaxAreaID LEFT JOIN Customer AS C ON CA.CustomerID = C.CustomerID LEFT JOIN Job AS J ON CA.CustomerAddressID = J.CustomerAddressID LEFT JOIN CustomerFinancial AS CF ON CA.CustomerID = CF.CustomerID LEFT JOIN OrderHeader AS OH ON CA.CustomerAddressID = OH.DeliveryAddressID LEFT JOIN ContractInvoicingLine AS CIL ON OH.ContractInvoicingLineID = CIL.ContractInvoicingLineID WHERE TotalSalesYTD <> 0 AND OH.DateTimeCreated > '2019-12-31' AND OH.OrderStatus = 8 AND OH.SaleType = 3 GROUP BY C.Shortname ,J.JobReference ,CIL.Amount ,CA.Address1 ,CA.City ,CA.TaxAreaID ,T.Name ,CA.PostCode ,OH.DateTimeCreated ,TotalSalesYTD ,J.JobID ,CA.CustomerAddressID ,C.CustomerID ,SaleType ORDER BY C.ShortName ,JobReference
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