I am having trouble getting this to compile, it keeps giving an undefined variable error during compile at ‘Incdntno.Value’. I tried to Dim Incdntno as Integer but then was getting Invalid qualifier. I have a similar code that works (see second code block). I didn’t need a lot of what was going in the working code part so I removed it. I would be so grateful if someone can point out where I am going wrong in the first code block? Thank you, very much
Private Sub Incdntno_AfterUpdate() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim sSQL As String Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection If IsNull([Incdntno]) Then Me.Dirty = False End If Dim Incident As String Incident = Incdntno.Value sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblFieldIncident_Complaint_InspHist ( Incdntno, InspectID, Dt_Inspect ) SELECT " & [Incdntno] & ", " & [InspectID] & ", " & [InspDate] & " FROM tblInspect WHERE Incdntno='" & Incident & "';" conn.Execute sSQL 'Me.Requery frmInspectItemsSub.Requery ProcExit: Exit Sub End Sub
Code that works:
Private Sub InspectType_AfterUpdate() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim sSQL As String Dim wYesNo As Integer On Error GoTo ProcErr If Not mbNewRecord Then wYesNo = MsgBox("Changing the inspection type will erase the current entries and insert items specific to the new inspection. Proceed?", vbYesNo, "Inspection item update") If wYesNo <> vbYes Then GoTo ProcExit End If Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection If Not mbNewRecord Then conn.Execute "DELETE FROM tblInspectItems WHERE InspectID=" & InspectID End If If IsNull([InspectID]) Then Me.Dirty = False End If Dim inspType As String inspType = InspectType.Value sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblInspectItems ( ItemID, InspectID ) SELECT ItemID, " & [InspectID] & " FROM tblRefInspectItemCodes WHERE InspectType='" & inspType & "';" conn.Execute sSQL 'Me.Requery frmInspectItemsSub.Requery ProcExit: Exit Sub ProcErr: ErrMsg ("frmInspect.InspectType_AfterUpdate") Resume ProcExit End Sub
This sounds like what happens if you duplicate event code. Take a close look at your control names and make sure they match. Also, you’ll want to make sure that [Event Procedure] appears in the event properties. That link may not appear automatically if you change control names.