I have two tables, a table called companies_display with information about publicly traded companies such as ticker symbol, market cap etc. and a partitioned table stock_prices with the historical stock prices for each company. I want to calculate the beta of each stock and write that into companies_display. For that I wrote the function calculate_beta(ticker) that calculates it:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calculate_beta (VARCHAR) RETURNS float8 AS $beta$ DECLARE beta float8; BEGIN WITH weekly_returns AS ( WITH RECURSIVE spy AS ( SELECT time, close FROM stock_prices WHERE ticker = 'SPY' ), stock AS ( SELECT time, close FROM stock_prices WHERE ticker = $1 ) SELECT spy.time, stock.close / LAG(stock.close) OVER (ORDER BY spy.time DESC) AS stock, spy.close / LAG(spy.close) OVER (ORDER BY spy.time DESC) AS spy FROM stock JOIN spy ON stock.time = spy.time WHERE EXTRACT(DOW FROM spy.time) = 1 ORDER BY spy.time DESC LIMIT 52 ) SELECT COVAR_SAMP(stock, spy) / VAR_SAMP(spy) INTO beta FROM weekly_returns ; RETURN beta; END; $beta$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
The function works for just a few companies, but when i tried to update the whole table
UPDATE companies_display SET beta = calculate_beta(ticker);
I get an out of shared memory error and it says that max_locks_per_transaction is too low. My guess is that the function creates a lock on the stock_prices table for each company and doesn’t drop them till it would have run to completion. What I tried was to create a loop
DO $do$ DECLARE ticker_ VARCHAR; BEGIN FOR ticker_ IN SELECT ticker FROM companies_display LOOP UPDATE companies_display SET beta = calculate_beta(ticker_) WHERE ticker = ticker_ ; END LOOP; END $do$;
but I ran into the same problem. Is there a way to drop the lock on stock_prices after each beta calculation or do the update in batches? For about 5 companies at a time my method works.
If someone runs into the same problem, I avoided the error by calling my sql function from the server I use to update my database. That way I have one transaction per company and I don’t get to many locks.