I want to convert a string that can have two formats.
- 1090512300 to 9.5.123
- 1090501300 to 9.5.13
The first string (1090512300) will always have the same length but the second(9.5.123) string won’t.
The conversion logic is as follows 1 xx yy zzz 00
So string 1 will be 1xxyyzzz00 and string 2 xx.yy.zzz where all zeros have been removed.
I tried using a number formatting but it doesn’t work correctly due to the fact string 2 won’t have the same length every time.
I would prefer a SQL function that can perform this conversion but I do not know how this will be done.
I came up with the following code in C#.
How would this be translated to either VBA or SQL.
private static void Main(string[] args) { oldToNew("7.1.14"); oldToNew("9.5.123"); oldToNew("9.5.13"); oldToNew("12.1.10"); oldToNew("12.10.10"); Console.ReadLine(); NewToOld("1050126000"); NewToOld("1060104900"); NewToOld("1060105000"); NewToOld("1070414200"); Console.ReadLine(); } static public void oldToNew(string Code) { string a, b, c, manCode; manCode = Code; a = manCode.Substring(0, manCode.IndexOf(".")); manCode = manCode.Remove(0, manCode.IndexOf(".") + 1); b = manCode.Substring(0, manCode.IndexOf(".")); manCode = manCode.Remove(0, manCode.IndexOf(".") + 1); c = manCode.Substring(0); a = Convert.ToInt16(a).ToString("D2"); b = Convert.ToInt16(b).ToString("D2"); c = Convert.ToInt16(c).ToString("D3"); manCode = "1" + a + b + c + "00"; Console.WriteLine("Converted t" + Code + "tt:t" + manCode); } static public void NewToOld(string Code) { string a, b, c, manCode; manCode = Code; manCode = manCode.Remove(0, 1); a = Convert.ToInt16(manCode.Substring(0, 2)).ToString(); manCode = manCode.Remove(0, 2); b = Convert.ToInt16(manCode.Substring(0, 2)).ToString(); manCode = manCode.Remove(0, 2); c = Convert.ToInt16(manCode.Substring(0, 3)).ToString(); manCode = a + "." + b + "." + c; Console.WriteLine("Converted t" + Code + "t:t" + manCode); }
With MSAccess I would probably use MID
SELECT cStr(cInt(Mid(OldFormat, 2, 2))) + "." + cStr(cInt(Mid(OldFormat, 4, 2))) + "." + cStr(cInt(Mid(OldFormat, 6, 3))) As NewFormat FROM TableName