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how to add select statement in IN clause in pivot

iam using pivot table in SQL query.. i need to make some columns as rowss, but i need to use select statement in IN clause where we givt option like this

    FOR collectionName IN (
 Select Ds.CollectionName as 'CollectionName'

from v_DeploymentSummary Ds

left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID

left join v_AuthListInfo LI on LI.ModelID = Ds.ModelID

Where Ds.FeatureType = 5 and Ds.CollectionName  not like '%Windows 8%'

and Li.Title like '%SUG_2020_06_P0_W7-W8-1_Critical%'
)) AS pivot_table

normally we give option like

    ) t
    FOR collectionName IN (
        [W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Laptops Wave 5],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Laptops Wave 4],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Laptops Wave 3],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - TARA -BI],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Desktops],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Laptops Wave 2],
[W7-8.1 - Ring 2 - Laptops Wave 1],
[W7 - Ring 1 - Early adopters],
[W7 - Ring 0 - Fast ring]
)) AS pivot_table

but with select statement its giving me error?? what can be done.



use this i got answer from some of google posts

select @cols = 
stuff( ( select distinct  ',[' + Ltrim(rtrim(Ds.CollectionName)) +']' from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_AuthListInfo LI on LI.ModelID = Ds.ModelID

Where Ds.FeatureType = 5 and Ds.CollectionName  not like '%Windows 8%'

and Li.Title like  @SUGname  FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'');
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