I’m try to make the code below dynamic as there can be different names for the ‘name’ attribute in the page ‘node’.
When I run the code below it returns the error ‘XQuery [value()]: ‘value()’ requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type ‘xdt:untypedAtomic *”
I feel my main issue is in the line ‘C.value(‘(/level1/level2/template/page/@name)[sql:variable(“@Counter”)]’,’NVARCHAR(MAX)’) AS [Page Name]’ where I am trying to make ‘@counter’ variable dynamic.
Does anyone have any solutions please?
<level1> <level2> <template width="594" height="500"> <page Cid="1" name="Test Page Name" colour="-3355393"> <image Cid="8" x="432" y="8" w="148" h="95" KeyImage="32861" Ratio="y" /> <formattedText Cid="14" x="9" y="22" w="253" h="38"> <p> <p> Text </p> </p> </formattedText> </page> <page Cid="6" name="Properties"> <formattedText Cid="7" x="200" y="148" w="208" h="228"> <p> <p> <t>Created by </t> <t b="b">Joe Bloggs</t> </p> <p /> <p> <t>Date published 30/05/2017</t> </p> </formattedText> </page> </template> </level2> </level1>
** Present Result
Page Name | Demographics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Page Name | <page Cid="1" name="Test Page Name" colour="-3355393"><image Cid="8" x="432" y="8" w="148" h="95" KeyImage="32861" Ratio="y" /><formattedText Cid="14" x="9" y="22" w="253" h="38"><p><p>Text</p></p> </formattedText></page> Test Page Name | <page><formattedText Cid="7" x="200" y="148" w="208" h="228"><p><p> <t>Created by </t><t b="b">Joe Bloggs</t></p><p /><p><t>Date published 30/05/2017</t> </p></formattedText></page>
** Desired Result
Page Name | Demographics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Page Name | <page Cid="1" name="Test Page Name" colour="-3355393"><image Cid="8" x="432" y="8" w="148" h="95" KeyImage="32861" Ratio="y" /><formattedText Cid="14" x="9" y="22" w="253" h="38"><p><p>Text</p></p> </formattedText></page> Properties | <page><formattedText Cid="7" x="200" y="148" w="208" h="228"><p><p> <t>Created by </t><t b="b">Joe Bloggs</t></p><p /><p><t>Date published 30/05/2017</t> </p></formattedText></page> DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(40), @opxml AS XML, @hDoc AS INT, @SQL NVARCHAR (MAX) SELECT @opxml = a.[filedata] FROM [database].[dbo].[xmlfile2] a where [Id] = 9371 DECLARE @Counter INT DECLARE @MaxNo INT SET @Counter=1 SET @MaxNo=(SELECT COUNT(CAST('<page>' + CAST(C.query('./child::node()') as nvarchar(max)) + '</page>' as xml)) FROM @opxml.nodes('/level1/level2/template/page') AS T(C)) WHILE ( @Counter <= @MaxNo) BEGIN SELECT C.value('(/level1/level2/template/page/@name)[sql:variable("@Counter")]','NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS [Page Name], CAST('<page>' + CAST(C.query('./child::node()') as nvarchar(max)) + '</page>' as xml) AS [Page_XML] , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.c) FROM @opxml.nodes('/level1/level2/template/page') AS T(C) SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END
I think
SELECT C.value('@name','NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS [Page Name], C.query('<page>{node()}</page>') AS [Page_XML], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.c) FROM @opxml.nodes('/level1/level2/template/page') AS T(C)
might suffice to produce the wanted result without the need for a WHILE loop.
I think the original problem with the long path inside of value()
(e.g. C.value('(/level1/level2/template/page/@name)[sql:variable("@Counter")]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
) is due to the static type checking of XQuery in SQL server and to avoid it you basically need to add another predicate that ensures the type checker knows a single value is returned e.g. C.value('(/level1/level2/template/page/@name)[sql:variable("@Counter")][1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
For me, the code
DECLARE @opxml AS XML SET @opxml = N'<level1> <level2> <template width="594" height="500"> <page Cid="1" name="Test Page Name" colour="-3355393"> <image Cid="8" x="432" y="8" w="148" h="95" KeyImage="32861" Ratio="y" /> <formattedText Cid="14" x="9" y="22" w="253" h="38"> <p> <p> Text </p> </p> </formattedText> </page> <page Cid="6" name="Properties"> <formattedText Cid="7" x="200" y="148" w="208" h="228"> <p> <p> <t>Created by </t> <t b="b">Joe Bloggs</t> </p> <p /> <p> <t>Date published 30/05/2017</t> </p> </p> </formattedText> </page> </template> </level2> </level1>' SELECT C.value('@name','NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS [Page Name], C.query('<page>{node()}</page>') AS [Page_XML], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.c) FROM @opxml.nodes('/level1/level2/template/page') AS T(C)
produces the table
Page Name Page_XML (Kein Spaltenname) Test Page Name <page><image Cid="8" x="432" y="8" w="148" h="95" KeyImage="32861" Ratio="y" /><formattedText Cid="14" x="9" y="22" w="253" h="38"><p><p> Text </p></p></formattedText></page> 1 Properties <page><formattedText Cid="7" x="200" y="148" w="208" h="228"><p><p><t>Created by </t><t b="b">Joe Bloggs</t></p><p /><p><t>Date published 30/05/2017</t></p></p></formattedText></page> 2
so at least the Page_Name
seems to be easily populated by using e.g. C.value('@name','NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS [Page Name]