When I run the following code in SAS, I was told that the data type between ‘not in’ were different and can’t procede to run. But I’ve already used ‘input’ to convert the data type, so I don’t know what’s going wrong.
NOTE: DAT and EGDAT are not from the same table and have different original data type.
case when (input(DAT, yymmdd10.)) NOT IN (SELECT input(EGDAT, yymmdd10.) FROM SOURCE.EG001 WHERE VISIT IN ('SCREENING' , 'CYCLE1_DAY1' , ...))
Either the data columns are not as you presume, or there is some other part of the query that is causing the message.
The SQL code similar to yours and there are no errors.
data claims(label="Simulated dates"); length patid 8 DAT $8; call streaminit(20200423); do patid = 1 to 100; do _n_ = '01jan2020'd to '23apr2020'd; DAT = put (_n_, yymmddn8.); if rand ('uniform') < 0.05 then output; end; end; run; data visits(label="Simulated visit reasons"); length patid 8 EGDAT $22; set claims(rename=dat=egdat); call streaminit(20200423); _n_ = rand('uniform'); length visit $25; select; when (_n_ < 0.15) visit = 'SCREENING'; when (_n_ < 0.30) visit = 'CANCELLED'; when (_n_ < 0.45) visit = 'CYCLE1_DAY1'; when (_n_ < 0.55) visit = 'ACHES'; when (_n_ < 0.75) visit = 'PAINS'; when (_n_ < 0.95) visit = 'CYCLE1_DAY2'; otherwise visit = 'PLEASANT'; end; output; run; proc sql; create table want as select claims.patid , claims.DAT , case when input(DAT, yymmdd10.) not in ( select input(egdat, yymmdd10.) from visits where visits.patid = claims.patid and visit in ('SCREENING', 'CYCLE1_DAY1', 'CYCLE2_DAY2') ) then 'NOT A SCREENING CLAIM' else 'SEEMS LIKE A SCREENING CLAIM' end as visit_classification from claims order by patid, dat ; quit; ----- LOG ----- NOTE: Table WORK.WANT created, with 574 rows and 3 columns. 491 quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.16 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds