I have a table with error numbers and a reference for storing errors. I need to write errors in one line, I got the following option, but it depends on the order of records in the table.
DECLARE @Errors TABLE ( RowNumber INT ,ErrorId INT ,ErrorDescription NVARCHAR(4000) ,FileId INT ); INSERT @Errors (RowNumber ,ErrorId ,ErrorDescription ,FileId) VALUES (1, 3, N'', 0) ,(2, 3, N'', 0) ,(2, 4, N'', 10) ,(2, 5, N'', 10) ,(1, 4, N'', 10) ,(1, 5, N'', 10) ,(3, 4, N'', 10) ,(3, 5, N'', 10);
DECLARE @DictErrors TABLE ( ErrorId INT ,[Description] NVARCHAR(4000) ); INSERT @DictErrors (ErrorId ,[Description]) VALUES (3, N'Not found') ,(4, N'Disconnect') ,(5, N'Exception');
Result of work:
DECLARE @Description NVARCHAR(4000) = N''; DECLARE @PreviousRow INT = 0; UPDATE err SET @Description = CASE WHEN @PreviousRow = err.RowNumber THEN @Description + dvr.[Description] + '; ' ELSE dvr.[Description] + '; ' END ,err.ErrorDescription = @Description ,@PreviousRow = err.RowNumber FROM @Errors AS err INNER JOIN @DictErrors AS dvr ON err.ErrorId = dvr.ErrorId;
I expect to see two entry added with FileId = 0 and one “Not found” error and three entries with File Id = 10, and two “Disconnect; Exception” errors.
You can try below using STUFF() function
with cte1 as ( select a.*,b.description from Errors a inner join DictErrors b on a.errorid=b.errorid ) UPDATE err SET @Description=names from @Errors err join ( select rownumber,names= STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + Description FROM cte1 b WHERE a.rownumber = b.rownumber FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') from cte1 a group by rownumber )X on err.rownumber=X.rownumber