I have a table “record” with the columns:
userId ip timestamp userAgent
How do I write query that will list the userId and month for any occasions where a user logged in more than 10 times in a month?
Assuming your record table as an entry per login. The query is relatively straight forward (here using PostgresSQL specific function for the month extraction):
select userId, date_trunc('month', timestamp) 'Month', count(*) group by 1, 2 having count(*) > 10;
- MySQL would use
extract('YEAR_MONTH' from timestamp)
- PostgreSQL uses
date_trunc('month', timestamp)
to extract a year/month - SQLite3 would use
strftime('%Y-%m', timestamp)
With MySQL you can leave out the count(*) from the select expression, others you hide it with a sub-query:
select userId, Month from ( ... ) as t;