The question ask,
“List the customer name and phone number for customers whose credit limit is less than the average credit limit. (Customers table)”
So far I have
SELECT customerName, phone
FROM Customers
WHERE creditLimit < (SELECT AVG (creditLimit)
FROM Products);
Yet this code is not returning anything, what am I doing wrong? Thank you.
I would be surprised if Products
has a credit limit. If you qualify your column names, you will immediately see your error:
SELECT c.customerName,
FROM Customers c
WHERE c.creditLimit < (SELECT AVG(p.creditLimit)
FROM Products p
In other words, you should be using Customers
in the subquery. What is happening is that the query is interpreted like this:
SELECT c.customerName,
FROM Customers c
WHERE c.creditLimit < (SELECT AVG(c.creditLimit)
FROM Products p
That is, the subquery is using the creditLimit
from the row being compared, rather than from the table referenced in the subquery (because there is no such column). A value is never less than itself, so this never evaluates to true.
A more important lesson to learn: always qualify your column names, so you don’t ever have a problem like this again.