Does with statement work with multiple sql commands? I have to delete entries in 2 tables. My sql is like this:
with tbd as ( SELECT (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER FROM public.row_history where record_table = 'survey_storage' and row_value ->> 'status' = 'Never Surveyed' except (SELECT (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER FROM public.row_history where record_table = 'survey_storage' and row_value ->> 'status' = 'Ready to Launch') limit 1) delete from row_history where (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER = ANY(ARRAY(select * from tbd)) delete from survey_storage where id = ANY(ARRAY(select * from tbd))
This is not working.Out of 2 delete statement if you comment out one, then the other one works. But together they do not even compile.Definitely I can write 2 sql scripts each with 1 delete – but I want to do this in one go. I get this error:
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete" Position: 410 ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete" Position: 410 ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete" Position: 410
You can do like below:
with tbd as ( SELECT (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER FROM public.row_history where record_table = 'survey_storage' and row_value ->> 'status' = 'Never Surveyed' except (SELECT (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER FROM public.row_history where record_table = 'survey_storage' and row_value ->> 'status' = 'Ready to Launch') limit 1) ), cte2 as ( delete from row_history where (row_value ->> 'id')::INTEGER = ANY(ARRAY(select * from tbd)) ) delete from survey_storage where id = ANY(ARRAY(select * from tbd));