I’m reworking an existing static query to be dynamic. Why am I needing to declare the variables twice? Once at the top of the file (for a subsequent, unchanging query) and again within the dynamic SQL statement. Is this something to do with how dynamic SQL behaves?
My code is this:
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) = '' DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = '' DECLARE @Offset int = 0 DECLARE @Limit int = 10 DECLARE @TeamCode NVARCHAR(50) = 'Team1' SELECT @columns+=QUOTENAME(status_name) + ',' FROM my_db.job_statuses ORDER BY id; -- remove the last comma SET @columns = LEFT(@columns, LEN(@columns) - 1); -- construct dynamic SQL SET @sql =' DECLARE @Offset int = 0 DECLARE @Limit int = 10 DECLARE @TeamCode NVARCHAR(50) = ''Team1'' SELECT P.*, TSC.TOTAL_STATUS_COUNT FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT EJI.planning_item_id, S.status_name FROM my_db.jobs J INNER JOIN my_db.job_statuses S ON J.status = S.ID INNER JOIN my_db.extra_job_information EJI ON EJI.job_id = J.job_id WHERE (@TeamCode IS NULL OR ASSIGNED_TO LIKE @TeamCode) AND (Planning_item_id IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY status_name, planning_item_id, J.job_id ) T PIVOT( COUNT(status_name) FOR status_name IN ('+ @COLUMNS +') ) AS PIVOT_TABLE ORDER BY planning_item_id OFFSET @Offset ROWS FETCH NEXT @Limit ROWS ONLY ) P INNER JOIN ( SELECT EJI.planning_item_id, COUNT(J.status) TOTAL_STATUS_COUNT FROM my_db.extra_job_information EJI INNER JOIN my_db.jobs J ON J.JOB_ID = EJI.JOB_ID WHERE (@TeamCode IS NULL OR ASSIGNED_TO LIKE @TeamCode) AND (Planning_item_id IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY planning_item_id ) TSC ON TSC.planning_item_id = P.planning_item_id'; -- execute the dynamic SQL EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql;
FYI I only have read access on ‘my_db’.
I used https://www.sqlservertutorial.net/sql-server-basics/sql-server-pivot/ to pivot dynamic query
For the same reason that:
- A variable is declared in a stored procedure
- That procedure calls a second procedure
- The variable declared in the first procedure is not accessible in the second procedure.
In other words: scope. The dynamic code is executed as it’s own batch, process, session… thing, I’m sorry but I don’t know the exact technical term as used by SQL.
Check out sp_ExecuteSQL’s support for parameters. It’s fussy and complex but will allow you to pass parameter values into (and out of!) your dynamic SQL.