I’m trying to create a procedure where it needs to filter the records with where condition by multiple scalar parameters. I’m facing the problem with the column I.[status]
In that column the values will be as “pending”, “rejected”, “submitted”. But when the value comes with “All”, I need to select all the status types (pending, rejected, submitted)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_cc_get_Invoices] (@po_id INT = NULL, @sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sortDirection VARCHAR(50) = 0, @pageSize INT = NULL, @page INT = NULL, @TotalRows INT = NULL OUTPUT, @time_zone_offset INT = 0, @vendor_id VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @status VARCHAR(20) = 'All', @invoice_id INT = NULL, @invoice_from_dt DATETIME2 = NULL, @invoice_to_dt DATETIME2 = NULL) AS BEGIN SELECT I.invoice_id, I.invoice_amount, I.[status], v.vendor_id, I.po_id, v.vendor_name, I.netsuit_invoice_id, cd.currency_symbol FROM invoice_details I LEFT JOIN vendor_details v ON v.vendor_id = I.vendor_id LEFT JOIN currency_details cd ON cd.currency_id = I.currency_id WHERE (@po_id IS NULL OR I.po_id = @po_id) AND (@vendor_id IS NULL OR I.vendor_id = @vendor_id) AND (@invoice_id IS NULL OR @invoice_id = '' OR I.invoice_id = @invoice_id) AND (I.invoice_date BETWEEN @invoice_from_dt AND @invoice_to_dt) AND I.[status] = @status END
How to filter all the status records?
You can express this with boolean logic.
Just change:
and I.[status] = @status
and (@status = 'All' or I.[status] = @status)