I’m experimenting with keeping values like the following in a Postgres jsonb
field in Postgres 9.4:
I’m executing queries like:
SELECT * FROM locations
SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(events) AS e
e->>'event_slug' = 'test_1' AND
e->>'start_time' >= '2014-10-30 14:04:06 -0400' OR
e->>'end_time' >= '2014-10-30 14:04:06 -0400'
How would I create an index on that data for queries like the above to utilize? Does this sound reasonable design for a few million rows that each contain ~10 events in that column?
Worth noting that it seems I’m still getting sequential scans with:
CREATE INDEX events_gin_idx ON some_table USING GIN (events);
which I’m guessing is because the first thing I’m doing in the query is converting data to json array elements.
First of all, you cannot access JSON array values like that. For a given json value:
A valid test against the first array element would be:
WHERE e->0->>'event_slug' = 'test_1'
But you probably don’t want to limit your search to the first element of the array. With the jsonb
data type in Postgres 9.4 you have additional operators and index support. To index elements of an array you need a GIN index.
The built-in operator classes for GIN indexes do not support “greater than” or “less than” operators . This is true for > >= < <=
as well, where you can choose between two operator classes. The manual:
Name Indexed Data Type Indexable Operators
jsonb_ops jsonb ? ?& ?| @>
jsonb_path_ops jsonb @>
being the default.) You can cover the equality test, but neither of those operators covers your requirement for >=
comparison. You would need a btree index.
Basic solution
To support the equality check with an index:
CREATE INDEX locations_events_gin_idx ON locations
USING gin (events jsonb_path_ops);
SELECT * FROM locations WHERE events @> '[{"event_slug":"test_1"}]';
This might be good enough if the filter is selective enough.
Assuming end_time >= start_time
, so we don’t need two checks. Checking only end_time
is cheaper and equivalent:
FROM locations l
, jsonb_array_elements(l.events) e
WHERE l.events @> '[{"event_slug":"test_1"}]'
AND (e->>'end_time')::timestamp >= '2014-10-30 14:04:06 -0400'::timestamptz;
Utilizing an implicit JOIN LATERAL
. Details (last chapter):
Careful with the different data types! What you have in the JSON value looks like timestamp [without time zone]
, while your predicates use timestamp with time zone
literals. The timestamp
value is interpreted according to the current time zone setting, while the given timestamptz
literals must be cast to timestamptz
explicitly or the time zone would be ignored! Above query should work as desired. Detailed explanation:
More explanation for jsonb_array_elements()
Advanced solution
If the above is not good enough, I would consider a MATERIALIZED VIEW
that stores relevant attributes in normalized form. This allows plain btree indexes.
The code assumes that your JSON values have a consistent format as displayed in the question.
CREATE TYPE event_type AS (
, event_slug text
, start_time timestamp
, end_time timestamp
SELECT l.location_id, e.event_slug, e.end_time -- start_time not needed
FROM locations l, jsonb_populate_recordset(null::event_type, l.events) e;
Related answer for jsonb_populate_recordset()
CREATE INDEX loc_event_idx ON loc_event (event_slug, end_time, location_id);
Also including location_id
to allow index-only scans. (See manual page and Postgres Wiki.)
FROM loc_event
WHERE event_slug = 'test_1'
AND end_time >= '2014-10-30 14:04:06 -0400'::timestamptz;
Or, if you need full rows from the underlying locations
FROM loc_event
WHERE event_slug = 'test_1'
AND end_time >= '2014-10-30 14:04:06 -0400'::timestamptz
) le
JOIN locations l USING (location_id);