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What expression could allow a tuple with NULL attribute to pass

For common expression like a + b > 5, it is obvious that as long as b or a is NULL, the the expression would not be true. In other words, the the null attribute could not pass this expression.

However, expression like coalesce could allow a tuple with NULL attribute to pass. For example, coalesce(a,b) > 0, even if a is NULL, as long as b > 0, then this tuple could still pass.

My question is that except coalesce, is there any other common expression could allow a tuple with null attribute to possibly pass the condition test?



Here are some standard expressions that pass for NULL values:

a is not null
a is distinct from 1
coalesce(a, 1) > 0
(case when a > 0 then 1 when a is null then 1 else 0 end)
a || 'abc' = 'abc'

Some databases have synonyms for coalesce()-like functionality — nz(), ifnull(), nvl() come to mind.

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