I have a simple question.
If I have a week number, how I assigned a Sunday to it? (In t-sql)
For example. I have number 15 as input (which is week from 8.4. to 14.4., from monday to sunday), and I will need it to be shown as 14.4. as output. The things is, that I have a column of days converted to number of week (col1), and I need a Sunday of this week number (col2).
col1 col2
15 14.4.
15 14.4.
15 14.4.
15 14.4.
16 21.4.
16 21.4.
17 28.4.
17 28.4.
19 12.5.
19 12.5.
Use this, remember, you need know also the year, not only weekNo
Week in this case start on Monday and end on Sunday, you will get the sunday in requested week
DECLARE @WeekNum int
DECLARE @YearNum char(4)
set @WeekNum = 46
set @YearNum = 2019
SELECT @WeekNum As WeekNo, FORMAT(CONVERT(date,DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 5, '1/1/' + @YearNum) + (@WeekNum-1), 6)), 'dd.MM.yyyy') AS SundayInWeek