I am trying to extract some information from all tables in the SALES dataset. I want to run it for multiple clients. Each client has a big query project. Bellow query returns what I want for our London client. How I can use a wildcard to do the same query for the other 10 clients and union all in one table?
SELECT * FROM london_prod_uk_eu.sales.__tables__
Basically, I want to simplify the below query:
SELECT * FROM london_prod_uk_eu.sales.__tables__ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM toronto_prod_can_us.sales.__tables__ SELECT * FROM rome_prod_it_eu.sales.__tables__ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM madrid_prod_sp_eu.sales.__tables__
Consider below approach
declare query array<string> default []; declare projects array<string>; set projects = [ 'london-prod-uk-eu', 'toronto-prod-ca-us', 'rome-prod-it-eu', 'madrid-prod-sp-eu' ]; for record IN (select project from unnest(projects) project) do set query = query || [format('select * from `%s.SALES.__TABLES__`', record.project)]; end for; execute immediate (select string_agg(line, ' union all ') from unnest(query) line);