I have the following SQL code to produce the following table of data:
Select max([Player_Team]) as 'Team', case when max([Player_Team]) = max([match_home_team]) then max([match_away_team]) else max([match_home_team]) end as 'Opposition', sum([Shots]), sum([Shots on Target]), sum([Goals]), max([Time]), max([Day]) From [StatsTable] Group By [Team] Team Opposition Shots Shots on Target Goals Time Day Brazil England 6 3 1 1200 Saturday England Brazil 3 1 0 1200 Saturday
I am hoping to transform data to create a table that looks like:
Team Opposition Shots Shots on Target Goals Time Day O.Shots O.SOT O.Opp Goals Brazil England 6 3 1 1200 Saturday 3 1 0 England Brazil 3 1 0 1200 Saturday 6 3 1
What would be the best way to achieve this? Something like creating two tables and then a Union
You can use self join to achieve what are you looking for.
create table StatsTable(player_Team varchar(50),match_home_team varchar(50),match_away_team varchar(50), Shots int,Shots_on_Target int,Goals int , Time int, Day varchar(50)); insert into StatsTable values('Brazil','Brazil','England',6, 3, 1, 1200, 'Saturday'); insert into StatsTable values('England','England','Brazil',3 ,1 ,0 ,1200 , 'Saturday');
with cte as ( Select max(t.[player_Team]) team, (case when max(t.[Player_Team]) = max(t.[match_home_team]) then max(t.[match_away_team]) else max(t.[match_home_team]) end) opposition, sum(t.[Shots])shots, sum(t.[Shots_on_Target])Shots_on_Target, sum(t.[Goals])goals, max(t.[Time])time, max(t.[Day])day From [StatsTable] t Group By t.[player_Team] ) Select t.team, t.opposition opposition, t.Shots, t.Shots_on_Target, t.Goals, t.[Time], t.[Day], o.[Shots] oppo_shots, o.[Shots_on_Target] Oppo_Shots_on_Target, o.[Goals] opp_Goals From cte t inner join cte o on t.opposition=o.team
team opposition Shots Shots_on_Target Goals Time Day oppo_shots Oppo_Shots_on_Target opp_Goals Brazil England 6 3 1 1200 Saturday 3 1 0 England Brazil 3 1 0 1200 Saturday 6 3 1
db<>fiddle here