I am currently playing in a Fantasy Football league and I’m attempting to use some stats to make some informed decisions for my team.
At the moment, I have a table with some historical player performance data, with each row of the table being one player’s output in one game, as below:
Player PassingYards PassingTDs
Tom Brady 200 5
Deshaun Watson 350 3
My league has a specific points scoring tariff, which I aim to store in another table, as below:
Metric Points
PassingYards 0.04
PassingTDs 4
From the two tables above, I aim to build a view that will calculate the points scored for each game, which would like the below:
Player Points
Tom Brady 28
Deshaun Watson 26
[Where 28 is (200*0.04) + (5*4) and 26 is (350*0.04) + (3*4)]
My question is, how do I store the points tariff data? My data obviously has more than 2 metrics so I’d prefer not to type in the number manually for each of the metrics. I’m sure there’s an easy way to do it but I just can’t work it out. Thanks!
I think you want:
Player Metric Value
Tom Brady PassingYards 200
Tom Brady PassingTDs 5
Deshaun Watson PassingYards 350
Deshaun Watson PassingTDs 3
Metric Points
PassingYards 0.04
PassingTDs 4
Then you can join the tables and aggregate:
select pm.player, sum(pm.value * m.points)
from playermetrics pm join
metrics m
on pm.metric = m.metric
group by pm.player;
Actually, I suspect that you also want a Players
table and a MetricId
column in the metrics
table. That way, you don’t need to repeat strings in different tables — something where typos can throw off your results.