I have query like this.It is working properly on oracle 12.
select * from customers where customerId IN (select custId from Orders where
orderStatus = 'S' and orderCity = 'Amsterdam' and ORDER BY custId DESC FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY)
But I am using oracle 11.That query is not working on oracle 11.Therefore I changed my query like that
select * from customers where customerId IN (select custId from Orders where
orderStatus = 'S' and orderCity = 'Amsterdam' and ORDER BY custId DESC rownum <= 10)
It gives missing right paranthesis
How can I solve this problem.Do you have any idea?Actually I use a variable instead on 10 number.
Syntax is a bit different – you need an extra subquery so it would need to be more like …
where customerId IN (select * from (select custId from Orders where orderStatus = 'S' and orderCity = 'Amsterdam' and ORDER BY custId DESC) where rownum <=10)
You wouldn’t need the extra subquery if you didn’t have the order by clause