I have a WHERE clause that has a nested OR statement, as seen here:
-- Declaration of variables DECLARE @PageSize INT, @PageNumber INT, @SearchPhraseOne VARCHAR(20), @SearchPhraseTwo VARCHAR(20), @FilterCategory VARCHAR(30), @FilterStatus TINYINT, @NeedsFollowUp TINYINT, @NeedsTraining TINYINT, @NeedsInitialVacc TINYINT; SET @PageNumber = 1; SET @PageSize = 100; SET @SearchPhraseOne = null; SET @SearchPhraseTwo = null; SET @FilterCategory = 'High Exposure'; SET @FilterStatus = null; SET @NeedsFollowUp = 1; SET @NeedsTraining = null; SET @NeedsInitialVacc = null; select * from( select vel.fullName, vel.EecEmpNo, vel.EecLocation, vel.EecDateOfLastHire, job.JbcDesc, vei.eiInitialBBPDate, vei.eiVCGivenDate, iif(jv.verTypeName is null, 'Low Risk', jv.verTypeName) as vaccineCategory, vel.eecEmplStatus, count(distinct vh.vhID) as vaccCount, max(isnull(vh.vhNextDateScheduled, null)) as maxNextDateScheduled, max(cast(vh.vhSeriesComplete as int)) as seriesComplete, iif(vel.eecEmplStatus = 'T', null, coalesce(iif(max(cast(vh.vhSeriesComplete as int)) = 1, null, max(isnull(vh.vhNextDateScheduled, null))), -- check if the vaccine items have a SeriesComplete of 1, otherwise use NextDateScheduled iif(vei.eiInitialBBPDate is not null, null, vel.EecDateOfLastHire), -- check if the InitialBBPDate is not null, if it isn't use DateOfLastHire iif(vei.eiVCGivenDate is not null, null, vel.EecDateOfLastHire), null)) as actionDate -- check if the OrientationDate is not null, if it isn't use DateOfLastHire -- if all three of these values are null then there's no ActionDate -- Terminated employees will not have an action date assigned even if there's a match from dbo.vaccEmpList vel left join dbo.vaccEmployeeInfo vei on vei.eiEmployeeNo = vel.EecEmpNo left join dbo.vaccVaccinationHistory vh on vh.vhEmployeeNo = vel.EecEmpNo left join dbo.vaccVaccineTypeLookup vt on vh.vhVaccinationTypeID = vt.vtlVaccineTypeID and vt.vtIsActive = 1 -- Only get active vaccination types join dbo.U_JobCode job on vel.EecJobCode = job.JbcJobCode left join dbo.JobVerficationXref jv on vel.EecJobCode = jv.JobCode and jv.verName = 'Vaccination Category' group by vel.fullName, vel.EecEmpNo, job.JbcDesc, jv.verTypeName, vel.EecLocation, vel.eecEmplStatus, vei.eiInitialBBPDate, vei.eiVCGivenDate, vel.EecDateOfLastHire ) as searchResults where ( ( @SearchPhraseOne is null or searchResults.fullName like @SearchPhraseOne + '%' or searchResults.EecEmpNo = @SearchPhraseOne ) and ( @SearchPhraseTwo is null or searchResults.fullName like @SearchPhraseTwo + '%' or searchResults.EecEmpNo = @SearchPhraseTwo ) -- Employee Name/ID and ( @FilterStatus is null or (searchResults.eecEmplStatus = 'A' or searchResults.eecEmplStatus = 'L') ) -- Employee Status and ( @FilterCategory is null or searchResults.vaccineCategory = @FilterCategory ) -- Employee Vaccination Category and ( -- ISSUES OCCUR HERE (@NeedsTraining is null or (searchResults.actionDate is not null and (searchResults.eiInitialBBPDate is null or searchResults.eiVCGivenDate is null)) ) -- Needs Training if either of these two date values are null or (@NeedsInitialVacc is null or (searchResults.actionDate is not null and (searchResults.vaccCount = 0)) -- Needs Initial Vaccination if there are no vaccine records ) or (@NeedsFollowUp is null or (searchResults.actionDate is not null and ((searchResults.seriesComplete is null or searchResults.seriesComplete = 0) and searchResults.maxNextDateScheduled is not null)) -- Needs a follow-up date if no series complete was detected ) ) )
The @NeedsFollowUp, @NeedsInitialVacc, and @NeedsTraining variables are all set by the variables above. When one or more of these are set to “1”, the query should return employee entries that match the criteria inside their related statements. For example, if the “NeedsFollowUp” and “NeedsTraining” values are set to “1” then the query should return employees that need a follow-up or employees that need training.
Right now, when I set all three to “1” I receive the combined results I’m looking for, but if any of them are set to null, then the query doesn’t return the correct results.
EDIT: Here’s a reproducible example of what I’m seeing.
I think the way the clauses are set up is causing an issue, but I’m not really sure how to fix this. How can I get the OR statements to work in the way I described above?
I was able to make the OR clauses work correcting by switching from is null
to is not null
in my where clauses. Using the minimal example, it would look like this:
select * from AGENTS where ( (@NeedsName is not null and AGENTS.AGENT_NAME is null) or (@NeedsCountry is not null and AGENTS.COUNTRY is null) or (@NeedsCountry is null and @NeedsName is null) )
Be sure to include an additional clause for when all options are NULL, so that you can return the appropriate number of rows.