I need to use a column from another table when i use trigger before insert
but i get an error Unknown table in field list
Here is an example code:
DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER electricity_consumption_B_update before insert ON electr FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set new.electricity_consumption = (new.`Printer_power_VT` * new.`electricity_kVT/hr` * slicer.printing_time_hr * 0.001); END // DELIMITER ;
the column from another table is “printing_time_hr” from table “slicer”
Please help, what to do, how to use the column from another table
This works for me:
DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER electricity_consumption_B_update before insert ON electr DECLARE _printing_time_hr INT DEFAULT 0; SELECT printing_time_hr INTO _printing_time_hr FROM slicer where ... ; FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set new.electricity_consumption = (new.`Printer_power_VT` * new.`electricity_kVT/hr` * _printing_time_hr * 0.001); END // DELIMITER ;