I am trying to use a table as input parameter for sp_execute_remote (Azure SQL Database).
I declared the type on the remote db:
if exists (select * from sys.types where name = 'MyType') drop type MyType; create type MyType as table ( mycol1 VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, mycol2 VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL ); GRANT EXECUTE ON TYPE::dbo.MyType TO RemoteLogger;
I try to execute the script on my local db:
if exists (select * from sys.types where name = 'MyType') drop type MyType; create type MyType as table ( mycol1 VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, mycol2 VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL ); go declare @table MyType; INSERT INTO @table (mycol1, mycol2) VALUES ('ABC', 'DEF'), ('GHI', 'JKL'); -- executing locally for a table is working fine EXEC sp_executesql N'select * from @var', N'@var MyType readonly', @var = @table; -- executing on remote db for a varchar type is working fine EXEC sp_execute_remote @data_source_name = N'RemoteDatabase', @stmt = N'SELECT @col1 AS ''mycol1'', @col2 AS ''mycol2''', @params = N'@col1 VARCHAR(5), @col2 VARCHAR(5)', @col1 = 'ABC', @col2 = 'DEF'; -- executing on remote db for a table type throws an error: -- The underlying error message received was: 'Operand type clash: int is incompatible with MyType'. EXEC sp_execute_remote @data_source_name = N'RemoteDatabase', @stmt = N'SELECT * FROM @var', @params = N'@var MyType readonly', @var = @table;
I get an error on the 3rd EXEC statement: The underlying error message received was: ‘Operand type clash: int is incompatible with MyType’.
SOLVED by using JSON:
DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(max) = ( select * from @table FOR JSON AUTO, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES ); EXEC sp_execute_remote N'RemoteDatabase', N'SELECT * FROM OpenJson(@var) WITH ( mycol1 VARCHAR(5) ''$.mycol1'', mycol2 VARCHAR(5) ''$.mycol2'' );', N'@var NVARCHAR(max)', @json;
Even in “regular” SQL Server table types are not interoperable between databases. In technical terms table types belong to a particular database lack “duck typing” Eg this
use master drop database a drop database b go create database a create database b go use a create type t as table(i int) go create proc pt @t t readonly as begin select * from @t end go use b create type t as table(i int) go declare @t t insert into @t(i) values (1) exec a.dbo.pt @t
fails with
Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Procedure a.dbo.pt, Line 0 [Batch Start Line 20] Operand type clash: t is incompatible with t
So, use JSON.