I wanted to use the value on student_lastname in table tbl_student as a default value of sis_password in table tbl_sis_account but I am out of idea on how to do it. I tried putting “Select query” after the “Default” but it doesn’nt work, anyway here’s the sql:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_sis_account; CREATE TABLE `tbl_sis_account`( sis_account_id INT(15) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, sis_username INT(15) NOT NULL, sis_password VARCHAR(8) DEFAULT '====>Value of attribute student_lastname<====', PRIMARY KEY(`sis_account_id`), CONSTRAINT `sis_username_student_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`sis_username`) REFERENCES `tbl_student` (`student_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE )ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; SELECT * FROM tbl_sis_account;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_student; CREATE TABLE `tbl_student` ( `student_id` INTEGER(15) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `student_firstname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `student_midname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `student_lastname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`student_id`) )ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=20201 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; SELECT * FROM tbl_student;
I’ve figured the solution for this problem, for a while now. Forgot to post the answer though, coz I am no longer using this method. But here’s what I did.
On the tbl_student I created a “After Insert trigger“
BEGIN INSERT INTO tbl_sis_account (student_id,sis_password) values (new.student_id, concat(new.student,new.student_lastname)); END
so the inserted result on tbl_sis_account is
student_id | sis_password 20200001 | 202000001Doe