There is a SQL Server undocumented extended stored procedure called xp_dirtree
, which can return all files and folders name (include subfolders) in a table format. To practice my understanding of recursive CTE, I decide to use it to get the full path of all files in a specified folder(include subfolders). However, after an hour of head scratch I still can’t figure out the correct way to do it. The following code is what I have currently. Can this purpose be implemented with recursive CTE?
DECLARE @dir NVARCHAR(260) ; SELECT @dir = N'c:temp' ; IF RIGHT(@dir, 1) <> '' SELECT @dir = @dir + '' ; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dirtree', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #dirtree ; CREATE TABLE #dirtree ( id INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, subdirectory NVARCHAR(260), depth INT, is_file BIT ) ; INSERT INTO #dirtree EXEC xp_dirtree @dir, 0, 1 ; SELECT * FROM #dirtree ; WITH files AS ( SELECT id, subdirectory, depth, is_file, subdirectory AS path FROM #dirtree WHERE is_file = 1 AND depth <> 1 UNION ALL -- ... ) SELECT * FROM files ;
Suppose the xp_dirtree output is:
/* id subdirectory depth is_file --- -------------- ------- ------- 1 abc.mdf 1 1 2 a 1 0 3 a.txt 2 1 4 b.txt 2 1 5 a.rb 1 1 6 aaa.flv 1 1 */
What I want is:
/* path ------------------ c:tempabc.mdf c:tempaa.txt c:tempab.txt c:tempa.rb c:tempaaa.flv */
If I understand you correct you want something like this:
Test data:
CREATE TABLE #dirtree ( id INT, subdirectory NVARCHAR(260), depth INT , is_file BIT, parentId INT ) INSERT INTO #dirtree(id,subdirectory,depth,is_file) VALUES (1,'abc.mdf',1,1),(2,'a',1,0),(3,'a.txt',2,1), (4,'b.txt',2,1),(5,'a.rb',1,1),(6,'aaa.flv',1,1)
Updated the parent id
UPDATE #dirtree SET ParentId = (SELECT MAX(Id) FROM #dirtree WHERE Depth = T1.Depth - 1 AND Id < T1.Id) FROM #dirtree T1
;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT, t.subdirectory, t.depth, t.is_file FROM #dirtree AS t WHERE is_file=0 UNION ALL SELECT, CAST(CTE.subdirectory+''+t.subdirectory AS NVARCHAR(260)), t.depth, t.is_file FROM #dirtree AS t JOIN CTE ON ) SELECT 'c:temp'+CTE.subdirectory AS [path] FROM CTE WHERE CTE.is_file=1 UNION ALL SELECT 'c:temp'+t.subdirectory FROM #dirtree AS t WHERE is_file=1 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM CTE WHERE )
path --------------- c:tempaa.txt c:tempab.txt c:tempabc.mdf c:tempa.rb c:tempaaa.flv
Changed the tables used in the example to more look like the ones in your question