I have some specific values I want to extract out of a string in SQL Server, but I’m not sure exactly how to get it done with PATINDEX
Take this string:
declare @Command nvarchar(500) = 'IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 1 BEGIN EXEC SomeStoredProcPR @RowsPerRun=500000, @RowsPerBatch=10000, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=7 END'
I want to extract out the values of 500000 (for @RowsPerRun), 10000 for @RowsPerBatch and the value of 7 for @NbrDaysToKeepRpt. The values will be of variable length, so I can’t guarantee the @RowsPerRun value will be 6 characters.
Is that possible?
DECLARE @Command NVARCHAR(500) =
'IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 1 BEGIN EXEC SomeStoredProcPR @RowsPerRun=500000, @RowsPerBatch=10000, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=7 END'
SearchItem = srch.Txt,
ItemIndex = st.Pos,
ItemLen = t.Ln,
Item = SUBSTRING(pfx.Txt,1,t.Ln)
FROM (VALUES('@RowsPerRun='),('@RowsPerBatch='),('@NbrDaysToKeepRpt=')) AS srch(Txt)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(CHARINDEX(srch.Txt,@Command),LEN(srch.Txt))) AS st(Pos,Ln)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(SUBSTRING(@Command, st.Pos+st.Ln, 500))) AS pfx(Txt)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',pfx.Txt)-1)) AS t(Ln);
SearchItem ItemIndex ItemLen Item
------------------ ----------- ----------- --------
@RowsPerRun= 59 6 500000
@RowsPerBatch= 79 5 10000
@NbrDaysToKeepRpt= 100 1 7
Note that I included a few extra columns to help you understand what’s happening.
Update: Against a table
This is how you would apply this logic to a series of values:
DECLARE @sometable TABLE (CommandId INT IDENTITY, Command NVARCHAR(500));
INSERT @sometable (Command)
('IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 1 BEGIN EXEC SomeStoredProcPR @RowsPerRun=500000, @RowsPerBatch=10000, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=7 END'),
('IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 5 BEGIN EXEC SomeStoredProcPR @RowsPerRun=123, @RowsPerBatch=500, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=20 END'),
('IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 5 BEGIN EXEC XXX @RowsPerRun=43, @RowsPerBatch=1000, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=120 END'),
('IF dbo.SomeFunctionFn() = 5 BEGIN EXEC abc.yyy @RowsPerRun=43, @RowsPerBatch=1000, @NbrDaysToKeepRpt=120 END');
SELECT t.CommandId, f.SearchItem, f.Item
FROM @sometable AS t
SearchItem = srch.Txt,
ItemIndex = st.Pos,
ItemLen = t.Ln,
Item = SUBSTRING(pfx.Txt,1,t.Ln)
FROM (VALUES('@RowsPerRun='),('@RowsPerBatch='),('@NbrDaysToKeepRpt=')) AS srch(Txt)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(CHARINDEX(srch.Txt,t.Command),LEN(srch.Txt))) AS st(Pos,Ln)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(SUBSTRING(t.Command, st.Pos+st.Ln, 500))) AS pfx(Txt)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',pfx.Txt)-1)) AS t(Ln)
) AS f;
CommandId SearchItem Item
----------- ------------------ --------
1 @RowsPerRun= 500000
1 @RowsPerBatch= 10000
1 @NbrDaysToKeepRpt= 7
2 @RowsPerRun= 123
2 @RowsPerBatch= 500
2 @NbrDaysToKeepRpt= 20
3 @RowsPerRun= 43
3 @RowsPerBatch= 1000
3 @NbrDaysToKeepRpt= 120
4 @RowsPerRun= 43
4 @RowsPerBatch= 1000
4 @NbrDaysToKeepRpt= 120