I want to run a query similar to the following
SELECT t.ticketid, Min(oo.incidentid). max(t.createddate) FROM (SELECT ticketid, NAME, createddate FROM ticket) t INNER JOIN (SELECT incidentid, created, date, NAME FROM oops) oo ON t.ticketid = oo.incidentid
Now, when I run this query it tells me that for example, ticket id needs to be contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. However, when I add it at the and of the query, I still get
ticketid column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
What anyone tells me what I am doing wrong?
From what I can test this code :
SELECT t.ticketid, Min(oo.incidentid) min_c, max(t.createddate) max_c FROM (SELECT ticketid, NAME, createddate FROM ticket) t INNER JOIN (SELECT incidentid, created, date, NAME FROM oops) oo ON t.ticketid = oo.incidentid group by t.ticketid
is OK. Check it please. Thanks! Here is the DEMO