I have a database for a petshop for class that contains the table Animals
with IDs and the dates of the last consult requisition for each animal, amongst other irrelevant columns and the table Requisition
which contains the animals’ IDs and requisition dates.
And I need to create a trigger that will update the date of the last consult requisition for a specific animal whenever a new requisition (containing the date and ID) is inserted on the table. I’m not very good at SQL yet, but here’s what I have so far:
ALTER TABLE animal ADD lastRequestDate date; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION addRequestDate () RETURNS trigger as $$ BEGIN UPDATE animal JOIN solicita ON idanimal SET lastRequestDate -- here's where I got lost !! END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER updateLastRequest AFTER INSERT ON request FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE addRequestDate();
Just refer to the special row variable NEW
referring to the inserted row of the triggering table:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION udpate_request_date() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN UPDATE animal SET last_request_date = now() WHERE animal_id = NEW.animal_id; END $func$; CREATE TRIGGER request_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON request FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION udpate_request_date();
And use proper, legal, lower-case names to make your life easier. See: