I have following function and trigger-
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_copyX() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGIN WITH updates (id) AS ( UPDATE tbl_history SET price=0 FROM tbl WHERE tbl.id = tbl_history.id AND tbl_history.price=1 RETURNING tbl_history.id ) INSERT INTO tbl_history SELECT id,1 FROM tbl; RETURN new; END; $BODY$ language plpgsql; create TRIGGER T_X AFTER INSERT ON TBL FOR EACH ROW execute procedure function_copyX();
So, whenever I am inserting any record in TBL, I expect inserts/updates in the TBL_HISTORY but this does not work in trigger function. But if I execute this ‘WITH code’ separately it works. What could be the issue? please help.
Below modification worked!
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_copyX() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGIN WITH updates (id) AS ( UPDATE tbl_history SET price=0 WHERE id =NEW.id AND price=1 RETURNING id ) INSERT INTO tbl_history (id,price) values (NEW.id,1); RETURN new; END; $BODY$ language plpgsql; create TRIGGER T_X AFTER INSERT ON TBL FOR EACH ROW execute procedure function_copyX();