I have seen examples of updating multiple rows from a join, but in this case there are more than one matching rows resulting from a join, I need a specific row (the earliest UpdatedDate row).
Example of the tables:
RobotNumber RobotName RobotColor UpdatedDate
1 XA01 Red 01/01/2020
2 B1205 Purple 02/02/2020
3 ZP344 Orange 03/03/2020
RobotNumber RobotName RobotColor UpdatedDate
1 XA01 Yellow 1/1/2019
1 XA01 Red 2/2/2020
I want to update the RobotName XA01 with the values(RobotName, RobotColor) from the earliest Updated Date row in the RobotAuditTable.
I have tried approaches with joins and subqueries but I cannot get the syntax and conditions correct.
You can use apply
update r
set r.robotname = rat.robotname,
r.robotcolor = rat.robotcolor
from robot r cross apply
(select top (1) rat.*
from robotaudittable rat
where rat.robotnumber = r.robotnumber
order by rat.updateddate asc
) rat;