I have several table which I can not join them as it gets really complicated and bigquery is not able to process it. So I am trying to union all tables and then group by. I have an issue during this process. I have two tables called t1 and t2 with below headers, they don’t have null values:
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. e.
so in order to union all and group them I have below code:
WITH all_tables_unioned AS ( SELECT *, NULL e FROM `t1` UNION ALL SELECT *, NULL d FROM `t2` ) SELECT a, b, c, MAX(d) AS d, MAX(e) AS e FROM all_tables_unioned GROUP BY a, b, c
unfortunately when I run this I get a table a,b,c,d,e which e column is all null! I tried to run query for each table before union all to make sure they are not null. I do not really know what is wrong with my query.
union all
does not go by column names. Just list all the columns explicitly:
WITH all_tables_unioned AS ( SELECT a, b, c, d, NULL as e FROM `t1` UNION ALL SELECT a, b, c, NULL as d, e FROM `t2` )
Regardless of the names you assign, the union all
uses positions for matching columns.