Im trying to debug a really weird issue.
One of the parts of my database that used to work properly suddenty stopped to work. I have narrowed the problem to this:
First of all: Those are my databases
users: id(int), email(var)..... calendar : id(int) , user_id(int)(fk->users(id)) calendar_field : id(int), text(text), rating(int), calendar_id(int)(fk-> calendar(id)), week_number(int)
This is their creation script:
-- Table: public.users -- DROP TABLE public.users; CREATE TABLE public.users ( id integer NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 CACHE 1 ), email character varying(254) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, password character varying(60) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, refreshtoken character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", birth_date date, first_name character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", second_name character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", years_to_live integer, register_date date, death_date date, weeks_to_live integer, CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT users_email_unique UNIQUE (email) ) TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER to postgres;
-- Table: public.calendar -- DROP TABLE public.calendar; CREATE TABLE public.calendar ( id integer NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 CACHE 1 ), user_id integer, CONSTRAINT calendar_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "userId" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.users (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER TABLE public.calendar OWNER to postgres;
-- Table: public.calendar_field -- DROP TABLE public.calendar_field; CREATE TABLE public.calendar_field ( id integer NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 CACHE 1 ), text text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", rating integer, calendar_id integer NOT NULL, week_number integer, CONSTRAINT "CalendarField_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "calendarField_calendar_id_fk_calendar_id" FOREIGN KEY (calendar_id) REFERENCES public.calendar (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER TABLE public.calendar_field OWNER to postgres;
Well whats the issue there? My programme generates the following data in the database:
- id: 58 - email: - password: password - refreshtoken: hash.... - birth_date: 2008-08-08 - first_name: first - second_name: second - years_to_live: 100 - register_date: 2020-05-12 - death_date: 2097-12-08 - weeks_to_live 5218
- id: 64 - user_id: 58
-id: 462640 -text: notext -rating: 0 -calendar_id: 64 -week_number: 1 SELECT * from calendar_field cf join calendar c on (c.user_id = cf.calendar_id) where week_number='1' and user_id='58';
It returns no rows, when I perfectly remember how it used to return some rows
The join appears to be incorrect.
Rather than:
c.user_id = cf.calendar_id
it looks like it needs to be: = cf.calendar_id
This way, the values will match, given the data you provided.