I want to write a trigger in PL/SQL. My first aim is to compare two time_stamp data type (A and B). If one of these is bigger than another, for instance A>B, i will update columns on another table. Trigger that i try to write is like below.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trigger_name AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON views FOR EACH ROW DECLARE A views.X%TYPE; B views.Y%TYPE; C views.Z%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT X, Y, Z INTO A, B, C FROM views; IF A>B THEN update another_table set D=' ' and E='UNRESOLVED' where column1=A; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('ABC: ' || A || ' < ' || 'CDE' || B); END IF; END;
If i execute this trigger, i’m getting error like below.
Error report: ORA-25001: kan inte skapa den här triggertypen i den här typen av vy 25001. 00000 – “cannot create this trigger type on views” *Cause: Only INSTEAD OF triggers can be created on a view. *Action: Change the trigger type to INSTEAD OF.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You’re nearly there. This is only a syntactic confusion. You cannot create a trigger that fires BEFORE
an insert or update or delete of a view, but you can create a trigger that fires INSTEAD OF
an insert or update or delete:
TABLE BEFORE / AFTER insert or update or delete VIEW INSTEAD OF insert or update or delete
And, as @Belayer writes, you don’t (and shouldn’t) use SELECT, use the automatically prepared record called :new
for the new values during insert or update, or the record ‘:old’ for the old values during update or delete.
Your trigger would look something like:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER views_tr INSTEAD OF INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON views FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF :new.x > :new.y THEN UPDATE another_table SET D=' ', ... WHERE column1 = :new.x; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('ABC: ' || :new.x || ' < ' || 'CDE' || :new.y); END IF; END views_tr; /