My table is empty and I’m trying to insert a record with the condition that the bit type column is not true, because the true condition can only be once for each country. Here is my trigger:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[Trg_PreventDefaultDevise] ON [dbo].[RELDEVISEPAYS] AFTER INSERT, UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @Pays varchar(2); DECLARE @Compte int = 0; --select @Default = Rel_Default from Inserted; SELECT @Pays = REL_PAYS FROM inserted PRINT @Pays SET @Compte = (SELECT COUNT(rel_pays) FROM inserted WHERE Rel_Pays = @Pays AND Rel_Defaut = 0) PRINT @compte; IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RELDEVISEPAYS WHERE REL_DEFAUT = 1 AND REL_PAYS = @Pays) >= 1 BEGIN RAISERROR (N'Ce pays dispose déjà d''une devise par défaut', 16, 1) ROLLBACK RETURN END END
This line select @Pays = REL_PAYS from inserted
is making the classic SQL Server trigger mistake – which is assuming there will only be a single row in the Inserted
psuedo-table – when in fact there could be many.
You don’t really need the Inserted
table to carry out your test. Instead just check the real table for any duplicates and if there are rollback.
What I think you want is:
alter trigger [dbo].[Trg_PreventDefaultDevise] on [dbo].[RELDEVISEPAYS] after insert, update as begin set nocount on; if exists (select 1 from dbo.RELDEVISEPAYS where REL_DEFAUT = 1 group by REL_PAYS having count(*) > 1) begin raiserror (N'Ce pays dispose déjà d''une devise par défaut',16,1); rollback; end; end