I want to do this in a single query where I check if my creation date is bigger then another but the table columns was divide out by year, month and day and sometimes there a illegal values in year.
Select count{*) from coverage cv WHERE EXIST (Select * from addressTable ad and cv.date > to_date(ad.year||ad.month||ad.day, 'YYYYMMDD')
When I run this I get the error ORA-01841: Full year must be between -4713 and +9999 and not be 0.
Can I write something in the query to ignore the illegal values and just count the legal ones.
Can I write something in the query to ignore the illegal values and just count the legal ones?
If you are running Oracle 12.2 or higher, you can use on conversion error
to_date(ad.year || ad.month || ad.day default null on conversion error, 'yyyymmdd')