I´m trying to execute stored procedure but I get an issue of an existing temporal table, but I just create one time and use into another part of code
SELECT ... INTO #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas FROM proce.table1 --Insertar in table src.. INSERT INTO table ( ....) SELECT .... FROM #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas
I get this message:
There is already an object named ‘#tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas’ in the database.
How can I solve it? Regards
A temp table lives for the entirety of the current session. If you run this statement more than once, then the table will already be there. Either detect that and truncate it, or before selecting into it drop
it if it exists:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas
If prior to SQL Server 2016, then you drop as such:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas;