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Tag: xampp

Trying to select data and then do a average on the selected data in mariadb

SELECT counts FROM (SELECT COUNT(ch_id) AS counts FROM tbl_warrants_checked WHERE status = “active” GROUP BY dateChecked); Answer This uses MariaDB 10.5, but should work with any version since ~10.2.2. If we assume every day has data, or we don’t care about the days which have no data, the following will calculate the average checks per day since 1 month ago

How to change max_connections_per_hour in XAMPP?

In my production environment I’m getting this error: I don’t have this problem in my development environment so I need to set the max_connections_per_hour to 500 in order to replicate it. How do I do this? My database is run from the XAMPP control panel. I don’t see this variable name in my.config, which is also accessed from the XAMPP
