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Tag: windows

How do I fix the error that occurs when I enter the file path and date in mysqldump?

How do I fix the error that occurs when I enter the file path and date in mysqldump? I ran the mysqldump command as follows in cmd: set _my_datetime=%date:-=% mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases -pMyPassword > C:Program FilesMariaDB 10.4databackup%_my_datetime%.sql But the result is: I wonder how to modify the above command in Windows server environment. Answer Because the %date:-=% will

How to solve Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (10061) when setting lower_case_table_names=0?

When creating tables in mysql i noticed that all my table names started with lowercase even when I namned them with an upper case. I found that going into : C:ProgramDataMySQLMySQL Server 8.0 Opening the my.ini file and changing the lower_case_table_names=0 Would to the trick according to this video. After doing the above I shutdown the server, restarted the pc

IIS connecting to LocalDB

Is there any way so IIS could connect to LocalDB without using the NT SERVICENETWORK SERVICE user account. This account has not suitable permissions. I’m looking use some other default account or …
