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Tag: tsql

Cannot exclude previous non-duplicate rows

In a nutshell, here it is: I have 1000(ish) employees who have multiple recurrent annual training requirements I need to be able to sort the employees by County, Facility, Employee, and Type of Training (and also allow for sorted lists at each level) I want to display only the most recent date the Employee took the training What I’ve tried

How subquery works?

My understanding of the logical order of execution of sql query is that FROM which gives us the base set of data WHERE which filters the base set data SELECT returning the filtered data I am not able to wrap my head around in the working of this query which contains a subquery:- I mean here, when WHERE is filtering

Send mail every N days in SQL

I need to send a warning mail 14 days before certificates valid_to date ends and also send email every 3 days from delay_days. Table Certificates consists of: ID(int) | cert_valid_to(date) | …
