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Tag: syntax

IF Exists then update in mysql

New to MySQL, need help in translating the next query to MySQL If exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name= ‘MyTable’ and column_name = ‘MyColumn’) begin …

a little bit confusing about a syntax on my databases MySQL

i try to check my databases with : I also try to check my databases on : Why are the results different with SHOW DATABASES; and SELECT Db FROM mysql.db; ? Can i update my databases on mysql.db tables ?? Thanks in advance. Answer mysql.db id an internal system table, hence it is hard to find official documentation related to

Sql query to convert or display bytes columns into MB?

I have a query as This query would bring the IP addresses that sent more than 1 million bytes within all flows in a specific time frame, you must enter The result is similar to I want the sourcebytes to appear as MB format. Do I need a nested query for that? Thanks. Answer Use this expression. CONCAT is SQL

Oracle equivalent of INSERT IGNORE

I found a very similar topic on Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE? However, I could not make work any of the proposed solutions. My case is a little special as my table does contains only 1 field, which is the primary key. Let’s call the field “id” and the table “myTable” in the following. Using MERGE This first attempt

Oracle: ‘= ANY()’ vs. ‘IN ()’

I just stumbled upon something in ORACLE SQL (not sure if it’s in others), that I am curious about. I am asking here as a wiki, since it’s hard to try to search symbols in google… I just found that when checking a value against a set of values you can do As opposed to the usual So I’m curious,
