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Tag: stored-procedures

Displaying student absent dates

Here is the table I want to display: Now I want to search by from to date and want absent date. How can I achieve this? I tried below code: i want date for which student absend Answer Basically what you need is list of possible dates between From and To

Duplicate or same record in select query

I tried to execute a select query which I select from the different tables but I still getting duplicate record even I use “DISTINCT”. Below I attached the result from my query. Answer DE_Name is different between 2 rows. So it’s correct. To resolve your problem, just do it However, the root causes problem is you just need to select

MySql Trigger for notification

In a table in MySql database, I have a boolean column with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ for appointment confirmation. As soon as appointment gets ‘Yes’, a notification is sent via an AWS Lambda call. I want to send a 12 hour prior notification before the day of the appointment. What is the best way to do that in My Sql utilizing
